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June, 2005

Scientific Thinking

Scientific Thinking My Article with title “Scientific Thinking” has been published third time in a another magazine NetMag. This magazine is available in Pakistan, Unites States of America and United Arab Emirates.By the way, this very article has won 2nd prize in all over Pakistan Essay Writing competition… * Sorry guys, I wrote this article […]


Posted by TK – see below: This post was viewed (29) times.

Gas molecules r random .. r dey really ?

Gas molecules r random .. r dey really ? As we all know that molecules of gas are in da state of perfect random motion .. but i believe dat dheir motion pattren is so complex to predict dat we believe its random … All electronic devices are based on the basis two signals ON […]

do u believe that everything happens for a reason?

hey friends……….. do u believe that anything happens is for a reason or it may b a chance too….. like take friendship,luv n all or take sm incident or any scientific experience….. any comments plz.. This post was viewed (30) times.