Be Mobile-Friendly or get penalized – says Google
You use your mobile for browsing? You’re just like 1/3 of all web surfers today who use their mobile phones! That’s huge right? Smartphones are much more sophisticated and vital need then ever before. Thus, having a mobile site isn’t as much of a luxury as it used to be 15 years back, rather its an inevitable need today.
Google has recently announced that on April 21st, your website’s mobile-compatibility will now be a significant factor in your search engine ranking. This change to Google’s algorithm will effect users worldwide.
See official announcement.
If you’re fortunate to be among those who have a mobile site, you’ve got a big advantage over the rest, especially from 21st April 2015.
For those that don’t have a mobile site yet, don’t worry. ChromeIS been helping businesses to improve their online presence, increase their visibility online, drive more traffic and generate more leads. This includes helping our clients connect with their mobile customers.
This post was viewed (76) times. redesigned in 2014 First graphical Web Browser – NCSA Mosaic – March 1993