super robot vs super human
AI artificial intelligence and human thinking power are inter related its true by AI we are trying to mimic our thinking power to machines…… turn they are making our brain super strong by giving us information ….our mind is greatest computer ever built or will be built ……..we are having systems which learn from previous cases and becoming more decisive than before ……… it leads to the debate of famous sci fi fantasies like “war between man and machines “… future machines will get human intelligence ….its a reality but humans will…….also become much intelligent then now they are …….as they will have lotz of valuable information in there minds ………..we can see it practically as all the coming generations are more intelligent there ancestors and much more intelligent they know much better about world …
In a nutshell …….AI and human brain both are interrelated and helping each other to grow ……If we have possibility of a Super computer having brain ………then we also have possibility of having a Super human …..who will control and use all the super intelligent machines…………
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