Author Archive
Deadlock Detection (SQL Server)
Trace flags are used to temporarily set specific server characteristics or to switch off a particular behavior, with negligible over head on SQL Server. Database Deadlocks can easily be logged and rectified with the help of simple illustrated steps described in this document. How to Methodology Summary: Trace flags would be set enabled on […]
How Full is Your Bucket?
Dear All, This week we have selected for you, a brief summary of a book titled ‘How Full is Your Bucket’, by Tom Rath and Donald Clifton. Every piece that is sent out for you to read is not only chosen for you to develop a habit of reading, but it is also expected that […]
8 Qualities of Remarkable Employees
Dear All, In continuation of our endeavor to promote a culture of reading and intellectual growth, this week another interesting piece has been selected for you to read. The ‘8 Qualities of Remarkable Employees’ is an article that talks about qualities that we, as employees and professionals should strive to inculcate within ourselves. Read on […]
Correlation candidates in LoadRunner
There are not more than 4 candidates you look for in your scripts for correlation: session, state, time and business process data These are the mandatory ones, if you miss any of these, either your script not produce realistic load (resulting in imprecise analysis/stats) or your script will simply fail. This post was viewed (56) […]
Tuning of IIS for optimal performance
Tuning of IIS for optimal performance of CAP/Web Disable HTTP Logging to reduce server contention. Set HTTP Keep-Alives as true to ensure cookie sessions are last longer. Set Connection Timeout as 120 second. Figure: IIS – Web site node Enable HTTP Compression to save bandwidth. Enable HTTP static content cache. Figure: IIS – […]
Finding text string in response by LoadRunner
Sometimes, when you wish to find particular text string on a screen through code (without ending up in script failure in case of not-found) here is what you can do: 1. Use Savecount in Web_Reg_find web_reg_find(“Text=my string on Web Tours”, save count = rc1, LAST); // by now you are total number of occurrences in […]
IP Spoofing in LoadRunner Controller
Sometimes, your application works based on client IP. For example a public survey will require unique IP – it will deny multiple requests from single client IP. How would you load test such an application with 1000 Virtual Users in LoadRunner? IP Spoofing caters such situations. It sends requests to application from various client IPs […]
Database Performance Tip # 9
Do not use “select *…†or “insert into dbo.Table select…†(without explicit column list). Explicit column lists reduce disk I/O (no need to read system tables to identify columns), and are more maintainable when columns are added or re-positioned If a cursor is unavoidable, use a simple WHILE loop instead, to loop through the table, […]
Who Moved My Cheese?
Who Moved My Cheese? This is a summary of a very interesting story titled ‘Who Moved My Cheese’ by Spencer Johnson. This book is a simple parable that tells an amusing story of 4 characters who live in a maze and look for cheese to nourish them and make them happy. They represent the way […]
Checklist – The Last Ten Nights and Days of Ramadan…
In this blessed month of Ramadan, we have now come to the grand finale – the last ten days of Ramadan that are even more blessed than the rest of Ramadan. In it is a night that Quran tells us is better than 1000 months (yes, months – not days). The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of […]