December, 2012
Most Expensive Domain Names
`Domain names are like real-estate on the internet. A new name could be registered for as low as US$ 10 but some domain names have gain extraordinary price in market. Let’s have a look at top 25 most expensive domains ever. Some of these domain are valued equal hence leading to a tie. 21. (tie) […]
Registering over one million domain names per month
Domain names are being registered at a global rate of more than one million names every month. Do you own one now? If not, register one today! This post was viewed (129) times.
The world without Google
The actual name of Google was Goggle. It’s just that the first client signed a cheque stating Google instead. He sure was unaware this was beginning of a history. Now Google is not just a name of company, but a dictionary word as well. Go check google, or else you can google for it! Within […]
YouTube is expanding by 20 hours per minute
20 hours of videos are uploaded to YouTube every minute. This is comparable to Hollywood releasing 86,000 new films every week. This post was viewed (136) times.
How much space facebook has?
facebook has over 6 million page views per minute. 37.4 Trillion every year. 2.5 Billion images are uploaded to facebook each month. Need more space? Checkout our exciting packages for personal hosting or rush for a dedicated cloud server. This post was viewed (127) times.
What users do with Mobile internet?
What are Mobile users surfing? 16% Entertainment 10% Information 13% financial & Banking 34% Prepay Services 05% purchasing games and shopping This post was viewed (14) times.